
Mind, Body, & Emotions Ebook


Mind, Body, and Emotions Ebook

Mind, Body, & Emotions Ebook

Here is an interesting question to ponder: "What if you were raised to be aware that there is a possibility that physical problems manifest in your body simply to warn you that there are unresolved emotions that you might need to resolve?" 
Years ago, it was quite a stretch to state that your emotions and thoughts have
a direct impact on your physical health. Now we know through award winning
scientific work by elite scientists such as NIH’s Dr. Cadace Pert’s book -
Molecules of Emotion, Your emotions undoubtedly affect every cell in your
Poor emotional health will weaken your body’s immune system. However, good thoughts and feelings, scientists now know, have healing effects on the body. Researchers studying everything from the flu to HIV continue to find eye-opening evidence that a person’s thought patterns can influence their immunity and the rate at which they heal from injuries and illness.
Avoiding dealing with emotional wounds is understandable, but know that you
have the courage within to remove the band-aids to your pain. It can be much
more possible than one realizes. As a health practitioner for elite athletes, for
executives and the general public, I have the opportunity to see people who are
on lifelong medications and suffer with debilitating emotional and health
concerns eventually return to a harmonious state.
Read Dr. J's ebook Mindy, Body, and Emotions to fully understand that you are more resilient than you possibly have imagined and that you have the power to take action to create the life you strive to live full of peace, love, happiness, hope, and health. 


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